

       Having hastily decided to study abroad in America, it’s natural that I’d sought for “professional support” since neither my parents nor I had the information required to ensure a smooth transition.  Recollecting the past, when I was searching for the “professional support” along with my parents, “Talk Club” was the initial agency in which I was introduced.  Despite the fact that I also came in contact with other agencies, none of them lasted a deeper impression than, “Talk Club.”

        The primary component that lasted such an impression upon oneself was the passion.  From the staff in “Talk Club,” it was evident that all of them were motivated and eager to assist us students and our families.  The process of applying to multiple high schools was unimaginably stressful.  However, “Talk Club” made it extremely swift and tranquil.  They provided detailed yet concise instructions to each phase of the application progression making it unambiguously easier to cope with. 

Another crucial point in the success criteria of “Talk Club” was the encouragements.  The staff in “Talk Club” always adds words of encouragement, urging us on, and lifting out spirits on astounding levels.  A simple “You can do it!” genuinely made a considerable difference. These words pushed me beyond the boundaries of courage and allowed me to do things like taking the SSAT and TOEFL where innately I would never wish to come in contact with them.  In addition, not only did these words give me courage to take fearful tests, they even made me brave enough to go through a one-on-one interview.

After a myriad of struggles, I was finally accepted into Episcopal High School and it is all thanks to Talk Club’s expert help. Through the effort presented from Talk Club, I am confident that no other agencies could do a better job. Thank you Talk Club!



美立達官方網站 http://www.go2travel.com.tw/index.php?lan= 
美立達歷屆榜單 http://www.go2travel.com.tw/index.php?page=sc1_history&lan= 

美國寄宿中學相關文章分享 http://talkclubblog.pixnet.net/blog/category/2768621


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    美立達 遊學留學中心|22年專業權威 美國 加拿大 英國留學 遊學 美國私立高中 海外實習 證照課程 美國獨立教育顧問協會認證IECA

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