Jonathan Hao 2011年即將升上11年級


My science teacher from middle school used to tell me that “Perfect is a big word”, but I think I will say that Tabor academy is the perfect fit for me, one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my entire life.  People can keep telling me how good Andover is, I don’t care, because I found the school I love and glad that I chose.

There are many reasons why I love this school so much, first of all, we are the “school by the sea”, the distinguishing feature of our school, this makes our students have several other activities that we can do during our free time, such as swimming, sailing, rolling, or simply just jump into the water and have fun. Every year, during the beautiful spring season, we have something we call the “Springfest”, this is the time that the school choose to be a school day, we get to have the afternoon off, and have fun with all of our friends at the waterfront(by the ocean). There are bake sales, volley ball pick-up games, fun facilities that the school brought in from outside, or people throwing lacrosse balls, footballs, swimming, hanging out under the sunlight with the comfortable temperature.

Second, the students here are all “good people”, they are nice to anyone,  hazing on campus is almost impossible, the rules here are very restricted but at the same time, a lot of freedom was given.  The school tries really hard to makes sure that none of us would walk onto the wrong path of our life, but if you do break the school rules, you get punish heavily, such as supplying drugs and dishonesty are usually automatic expulsion.  It sounds scary, but as I said, a lot of freedom was given, so there is no worries for the school being too strict on everything, only on the things which none of you want to get into.

Third, this is an extremely fun school, but at the same time, it’s very competitive, academically and athletically, if you work hard during the time you are a student at Tabor, as you graduate, you are definitely ready for college, and you probably have a head start, better than most people from all over the world. We are all proud of our athletics programs, they are very successful, both boys and girls, for example, our varsity football team played in the playoff which is really hard to enter; I am not familiar with our soccer programs, but I am positive that it is as successful; Cross country teams are very competitive, one of the best in our region; Hockey teams are scary to hear if you are from other school, basketball programs are one of the most successful in the school, the girls team had won the last two championships, and is the best in our region; Crew, lacrosse, tennis, are all great, and not to mention we have the best high school sailing team in the country.

There are so much to talk about our school, but I guarantee if any new students come to the school, they will be glad that they made a right choice. “The school by the sea”, Tabor Academy, I call it one of he best secondary schools in the country.





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