Global Scholar Award at CATS Academy Boston!
The Global Scholar Award is a full scholarship* offered by CATS Academy Boston to extraordinary applicants that demonstrate a strong aptitude or interest in globalism, business, finance, entrepreneurship, innovation, and economics.
The Global Scholar Award 是由劍橋文理中學波士頓校區針對學業優異及對全球化、商務、財政、企業、創新及經濟議題有興趣的申請學生提供全額獎學金的機會 (學費加住宿費)。
Requirement 申請條件:
- International applicants must submit minimum English proficiency test scores equivalent to or higher than TOEFL 80+/IELTS 6.5+
國際學生英文能力證明須有托福 80或雅思6.5
- Domestic and international applicants must have maintained a minimum GPA equivalent of 3.65 or higher for at least two full academic years
本地生或國際學生都必須至少兩年保持有GPA 3.65以上。
- Demonstrate strong aptitude and interest in globalism, business, finance, entrepreneurship, innovation, and economics
- Award interview with school official
- Submit a student essay/presentation (topics indicated on Award application form)
繳交作文/presentation (題目請洽美立達)
Candidates must submit completed applications before April 30th, 2015 to be considered
截止日期 為2015年4月30日止
How to apply 如何申請
- Step 1. Apply for general admissions to CATS Academy Boston! 遞送學校申請表格
- Step 2. Submit additional application for Global Scholar Award. 全球獎學金申請表格
- Step 3. Provisional eligibility will be determined by whether minimum TOEFL/IELTS scores and GPA requirements have been met to qualify for candidacy. 審查英文能力要求及在校成績
- Step 4. If applicant is eligible as candidate for Award, then application will continue onto the Global Scholar Award Committee for further review and decision. 通過後,到校評會審查
- Step 5. Award interview will be arranged with student, and any additional or outstanding application materials for Award must be received. 安排面試。
美國 加拿大 中學 大學 研究所 語言學校 專業代辦服務
【台北】台北市忠孝西路一段41號11樓之1︱TEL: 02-2388-4606
【高雄】高雄市新興區民權一路251號11樓之6︱TEL: 07-222-8380