sorry i cant type chinese now cuz im using the computer form school.
i got a lot of things to tell you abt this campus.
there are probably only a hundred students here i guess. maybe more.
and there are two large group here, Turkey and Korean.
the dorm is just OKAY.
three-floors building, no elavator,cafeteria at first floor,
you have to share the 3 bathroom with your floormates(maybe 20 people)
and is your friend a boy or a girl? cuz i heard that the male's floor has only one bathroom!
i stand those inconvinent thing cuz ill stay here just for a month.
the transpotation here is not so convinient.
they do offer shuttle bus, but some times they are late.
here has only one bus(#52), the last run back to scool is at 7:40pm.
taxi from T station to campus costs 12dollars.
im at level 109, teachers here are nice. i only take semi-intensive so i dont know what's that like in the afternoon.
grammar&writing<C in the morning. i heard that the conversation class in the noon is pretty challenging.
btw,there's a lot of taiwanese people here, some are just in one section for summer just like me.
but some are go' to stay longer.
if ur friend is go' to stay loger too, i know a girl who's looking for accompany.
she's gonna be very happy to know it.
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